Ghostlandia is a project seeking to highlight the history and hauntings of locations all across the U.S. We put an emphasis on learning history through a lens of paranormal stories and ghostly experiences. From haunted mansions and hotels, to ghost towns and historic sites, we hope to guide you through the fascinating stories that make these locations special. There might even be a ghost story near you to read about and check out for yourself!
We work with paranormal investigators, researchers, and enthusiasts to find and research our stories. We have been featured in paranormal magazines, blogs, and social media. Every story has a unique story to uncover about the ghosts that call them home and the visitors that leave with their own haunting tales to tell. If you have an experience you can’t explain, we want to hear it! Things go bump in the night all over the world, but it’s the personal encounters that really color the reputation of haunted locations.
While we currently operate as a blog and collection of paranormal stories, we have big ambitions for the future. One day, we’d like to visit the locations we cover and go in-depth about their history and ghostly happenings. In the future, we’d like to expand to a podcast, books about haunted places in each state, and visual forms of media like photo essays and videos. You can help us reach those goals by sharing our stories, engaging with us in one of our groups, or supporting us on Patreon. Any donations are greatly appreciated and will fuel our ambitions to bring you the best ghost stories from all over the country.
Ghostlandia was created and founded by Deborah Cobb and Christopher Yauch in 2022, striving to bring the best stories to a wider audience. We currently have fans from all over the world! The two founded Cobbwebb Media LLC and Ghostlandia is one of several projects they work on, including podcasts, historical research, and potential book publishing endeavors.. If you’re interested in seeing more, check out the Cobbwebb Media main page.
Thank you for enjoying the stories we cover and engaging with our blog posts! Big things are on the horizon for Ghostlandia, and we can’t wait to take you all along for the ride.